Session 0

General information about the server including House Rules, Conduct, Roleplay & Event Etiquette and other information that may be beneficial to players on the server. Take a moment to review the contents below to better understand aspects of combat, roleplay, and general server behavior.

These guidelines are focused on out of character behavior within our community. When interacting with other players. In-character rules and guidelines will be addressed in section two: Roleplay Guidelines.

1.1 | Behavior

1.2 | Griefing & Trolling

1.3 | Advertising

1.4 | Appropriate Chat

1.5 | Age Rule

"If you have doubt don't do it. Trust your gut. Your OOC character is more important than having an IC relationship with someone you don't know."

1.6 | Inclusivity

2. Roleplay & In-game Guidelines

These guidelines are focused on in-character behavior and what is or isn't allowed. For rules more focused on out of character behavior reference Section One: Behavior & Conduct.

2.1 | Fantasy Racism, Drugs, Guns, & Other

2.1 Other: Inappropriate Role-Play for a 16+ Server:

2.2 | Immersion

2.2a | Presence Declaration

2.2b | Metagaming & Powergaming

2.2c | OOC & IC

2.2d | Named Characters

2.3 | Building & Resources

2.4 | Inventories & Muling

2.2c | Muling

2.5 | PVP & Theft

2.6 | Children Characters

2.7 | ERP - Erotic Roleplay & Graphic Content

2.8 | F2B/FtB - Fade To Black & Voiding Content

3. Fair Play & Communication

This section is related to communication and general information and rules.

3.1 | Account Limits & Swapping

3.2 | Private Data

3.3 | AI Generated Content

3.4 | Hacking & Exploits

3.5 | Final Decisions

3.6 | Tickets & Private Messaging

3.7 | Awareness

3.8 | Streaming & Recording Consent

4. Campaign Guidelines

These guidelines are focused on out of character information to make sure you start out informed when beginning your time on RPDND.

4.1 | Server Rating & Sources

4.2 | Scheduling & Events

4.2a | Random Encounters

4.2b | Planned/Scheduled Events

4.2c | Annual Events

4.2d | Player Events

4.2e | Dungeons & Finales

4.2e | Merchant Events

4.2g | Event Rescheduling & Cancellations

4.3 | Getting Involved

4.3a | Starting Level & Perks

4.3b | Multiple Characters

4.3c | Leveling & Exp

4.3d | Tiers of Play

4.3e | Magic & Technology

4.3f | House Rules

4.3g | Time, Long Rests & Health

4.4 | Reflavouring

5. Event & Roleplay Etiquette

Event & Roleplay etiquette is about being good members of the community in events  & general roleplay. Below are some things to be aware of when taking part of the servers content and interacting with others. Breaking these guidelines may result in you being barred from Events or other content.

5.1 | Event Begging, Baiting, & Sitting

5.1a | Event Begging & Baiting

5.1b | Event Sitting

5.2 | Meta Attendance

5.3 | Loot Expectations

5.3a | Loot Expectations

5.3b | Loot Hoarding

5.4 | Manners

5.4a | Read The Room & Patience

5.4b | Commanding

5.4c | Rule Lawyering

5.4d | Know Your Action & Emote

5.4e | Out of Character Chatter

5.4f | Dungeon Master Preference

5.4g | Consent

5.5 | Characters

5.5a | Roleplay Introductions

5.5b | Character Conflict

5.5c | OOC & IC Separation

5.5d | Roleplay Manners

6. House & Class Rules

The server House & Class rules are here to balance or address concerns that have appeared in our Westmarch server. Some of these house rules are fixes or clarifications to things within D&D. If you think there is one that should be included please make a DM ticket! Thanks.

6.1 | Help Action

6.2 | Fall Damage

6.3 | Contested Skill Checks

6.4 | Class Features & Combat Abilities

6.4b | Class Features

6.4b | Poisoner's Feat

6.4c | Spell Gem Requirements

6.4d | Buffing

6.4e | Class Abilities, Spells, & Crafting

6.4f | Master Scrivener

6.4g | Forge Cleric

6.4h | Planar Binding

6.4i | Divine Intervention & Wish Modification

6.4j | Glyph Limits

6.5 | Exhaustion

6.6 | DM Inspiration

6.7 | Character Pregnancy & Children

6.7a | Character Pregnancy

6.7b | Children Characters

6.8 | Hearing

6.9 | Applying Artificer Infusions

6.10 | Other House Rules

7. Approved & Restricted D&D Content

7.1 | Source Restrictions

7.1a | Homebrew

7.1b | Critical Role

7.1c | Van Richten

7.1d | Adventure Books

7.1e | Ravnica

7.1f | Explorer's Guide to Wildemount

7.1g | Monsters of the Multiverse

7.1h | Banned Items [Multiple Books]

7.2 | Allowed Sources

7.3 | Feats, Races, Backgrounds & Classes

Other Important Information

Last Updated November 30th, 2024