Character Snapping & Unsnapping
This is good bye...
We at RPDND give our players a unique opportunity if you are tired of your character we don't want you to... find the biggest monster and walk into its mouth just to force an 'event death' that's bad for other players and you are harming your PARTY which is wrong and super rude. To combat this we have implemented a 'SNAP' type offer. In exchange for removing your character out of existence meaning they can never return to the server as a character, npc, etc. Put the request in a ticket on the #char-updates channel on discord
For Roleplay: When you snap a character depending on the type you end up with. Your character itself doesn't just vanish from existence but it does mean its no longer available to play for you. The RP reasons normally lead towards traveling or visiting other areas because returning to your original Plane/World is not possible in Aldspace Lore.
Snap Form
Character Name:
Current EXP:
Snapping or Unsnapping:
Formula: Snap EXP = ((XP - Starting EXP) /3 ) + Starting EXP
Snapping Options
Permanent snapping can happen a multitude of ways:
Character Snap via ticket and just never Unsnap them.
Snap them twice (after unsnapping) makes it permanent
Turning the PC into an NPC.
Important Information
They can not be stored or unstored. They can be unsnapped but there are requirements (see below)
The GM team will snap your character off the server at that point transferring 1/3rd of your exp to your new character.
If a character has been snapped, there must be a time period of at least 60 days before you can snap another character.
SNAP and DEATH exp can only be applied to a character under the value of the SNAP or DEATH exp. This can only be applied once and not be combined.
EXP can be applied to an active, stored, or new character as SET EXP not Added Exp. Meaning if you will get 4k exp back from snapping but your active character has 12k exp already you will gain 0 exp for your active character. if the character has 4k exp but your snap exp is 6k your active character will now have 6k exp (not added to the 4k) Please use the formula to calculate the 1/3rd exp
Can not be done to a character actively involved in a major story plotline (any story items must be given to another active player or returned to the DM to redistribute.). Not allowed for characters who are currently dealing with roleplay consequences. Ex: Committed a crime and in jail for punishments
Can not be done on characters made less than 30 days ago.
GM team has the right to refuse to snap based on suspicions of abusing the system.
Stored Characters can be snapped but items can not be distributed.
Players can give up their character’s permanently by turning them into NPCs this can only be done to PCs over level 10+ and they haven’t made a character an NPC in the last 6 months. Along with that they need to have information written and available at most 1 page detailing the character’s personality and upon giving it up as an NPC they can never get it back at all. It's considered a Perm Snap.
This NPC could end up being played by ANY DM.
This NPC could die
This NPC could become evil/heroic etc opposing your original idea for the character.
This character can not be returned to the player.
Game Master Steps
Game masters will review the application provided in the ticket.
After confirming the player is not involved with any major roleplay, roleplay consequences, not under 30 days old, or has snapped a character within the last 2 months they will proceed.
GM will confirm that the player has removed their locks on doors and chests for the next player.
GM will confirm there are no story items being held inside of the chests (to the best of the GMs knowledge) if a DM or community member sees someone applying for Snapping and they are involved in a major story please report it.
The snapped character will be /newcharacter-ed and the exp of the snapped character processed for the next character.
Starting EXP of new character + 1/3rd EXP from Snapped character = new EXP for new character. Contact a DM to have the exp added.
Add information to Mod Log
Wait... you're back?
Surprise in a discussion within the volunteer team it was expressed that a lot of players regret their snaps well I am merciful and have come up with a solid plan to allow you to get your characters back but they do still have to pay the price of being snapped. Below are the requirements of returning. Please submit all requests to be un-snapped in the #char-updates -> Character Files ticket. The GM and DM team have access to this section allowing for better coordination.
UnSnap Form
Character Name:
Character Sheet:
Character Backstory:
Character Returning Reason:
Last EXP:
Important Information
You do not get any items returned to you by the GM/DM team and only if the player who you gave the items to is willing to pass it back to you. Harassing a player for items is not recommended.
Since you had given away your exp to a new character your returning character will start at level 6. (If your character was below level 6 they will start at level 4)
You may only un-snap 1 character every 6 months.
Characters who have DIED can not be revived in this method and to bring them back you need to have the required revival materials to be revived in-game by a character with revival abilities. De-snapped + Revived still follows the rules here.
Un-snapped characters can be re-added to any of your Minecraft accounts that are registered in 🧚-alt-accounts (max 2 accounts) As long as you have an open space.
Snapping another character to make space for this Un-snapped character will not grant you 1/3rd exp rights. Because this is a previous character that you gave up.
If you snap the same character twice its permanent. No if, ands, or buts.
Snapped characters that come back will start at lvl 6 and have the same new player reworks and after lvl 9 player reworks as if a new character.
Game Master & Dungeon Master Steps
Game masters will review the application provided in the ticket.
Confirm the player does not have a previous character that was unsnapped in the last 6 months.
Continue with any set up needed by storing or snapping other characters as needed to make space.
Have the DM team approve their character sheet/application again so a log can be made in the char-archive forum. Make sure the player has a solid understanding of their reasoning for returning and that they are in a weakened state etc.
Confirm if starting level will be lvl 6 or lvl 4 depending on what level range they were. Confirm there are not outstanding issues with this character coming back (previous rule breaks that prevents them from returning)
Once all these steps are done DM/GM can set up the character in-game.
Make sure to use the /new character command (GMs) so the player at least starts over with starter tools and some funds.
Rework before you snap?
Hey before you snap your character check to see if you can rework the character before you say good bye!