Association FAQ

Assocations & You

Associations are a collection of guilds & players working under a government ran entity. The Association covers all branches underneath it. Associations are broken down into 6 branches. 2 of the branches are default and allow open activity and joining. You can assist any association you wish but can only choose one per week.

Associations do not require you to join a guild to take part in the activities for your branch. Guilds are strictly roleplay and meant as a fun way to coordinate or create new ideas and stories together..

You may also change your association week to week so it does not get boring.

On this page you will learn more about: Projects, Association Notes, Item Notes, and the types of association branches. 

Association Types

Primary Non-Quests Branches:

Secondary Branches:


Associations are large organizations that have multiple guilds under them that allows them to organize and create large scale projects that can be completed as a collective group instead of individual guilds. 


Guilds are groups of like minded players who have come together to go on adventures or create focused groups to complete tasks.

[Learn More About Guilds]


Guildless are players who have joined an association but do not claim any guild as their own. They can still assist with projects and do everything a guild can just solo. 

Association Quests

Association Quests are tasks assigned by your branch representative and once completed earns yourself 1 magic note, an Association Note (turn this in at the association chests at entrance), and a few coins (10 plat).

Once a quest is completed it is on cooldown for 7 days allowing you to focus on other aspects of the server such as roleplay. Each quest is important to get gold, materials, Association Project Notes, and Item Notes.

Mercenary Dungeons are outside of Missitivild but all the other branches normally can be completed within Missitivild.

Look for the building above to go through Association Quests. NPCs will be either on the first or top floor depending on the branch you choose to complete.

Association Quests Tutorial

Step One: Go to the Association Building and talk to Aaron. After doing so it will require you to move around the entrance to activate the next step.

Step Two: Write in chat which association you wish to help with that week. Remember its a 7day cooldown once completed.

Step Three: Find your branch leader

Step Four: Choose from 3 Quest categories that the branch leader offers. You can do this by writing in chat. Some Categories may have even more choices after that for instance Artisan offers more quests inside of each category.

Step Five: Complete the quest. This means you may be required to go to locations, fight mobs, bring back items, craft, etc.

If you run into any issues please submit a bug report if you can not move forward in the quest. If you just can't figure out the correct answer ask your fellow community members for help!

Step Six: Once you have everything completed you will get a Branch specific Note, a Magic Item Note, and 100gp (10 platinum). The quest will trigger a 7day cooldown so make sure you come back next week and maybe try out a different branches quests!

Tips & Tricks:

Association Notes

 These notes are used in completing large scale projects for the community. Should be turned in at the association branch you are part of. These notes may have more uses in the future. No information at this time.

Item Notes

item notes are collected by players who have joined one of the four secondary associations. These notes are gathered through trade packs done on a weekly basis and should be saved to exchange for a random item down the road.

Magic Items are 10 randomly selected items that can be purchased each month. The cost of these magic items is based on its tier and requires a set number of Notes to exchange for them. 

Item Notes Per Tier

Common - 4 Item Notes

Uncommon - 8 Item Notes

Rare - 20 Item Notes

Very Rare  - 32 Item Notes

Association Projects

Each association is given part of a larger project to complete. Each association branch has specific focuses that they handle so the project is 100% completed in time. Each project takes 1 month to complete and if the goal is not met will either fail losing the chance to get said item or move to the next month but could cause penalties if the project was important for an event.

4 Months a Year = Projects

4 Months a Year = Materials

4 Months a Year = Remakes

Or when the need arises for a world event.

Association Notes Requirements:

The required notes to be turned in for each association will fluctuate as activity rises and falls.

You are able to earn 4 Association Notes a month to turn in per player.

Association Notes should be turned in to the specific Drop Off Chest before the end of the month at the Association Building.