Civilian Path


The civilian path is perfect for those who enjoy creating pure roleplay characters and want minimal combat and want an easier version of the standard D&D character sheets. The civilian path is created using specializations and allows players with minimal D&D experience to make a quick character while still being able to take part in the events in our minecraft roleplay server.

Register your civilian in #civilian-signup on the discord using the civilian form on this page.

Civilian Registration Form

Character Name:

Character Age:

Character Gender:

Character Race:

Level 4 - N/A [Expert]

Level 4 - N/A [Expert]

Level 8 - N/A

Level 12 - N/A

Level 16 - N/A

Level 20 - N/A

Character History: [Please include the following:]

Submit this form to #civilian-signup on discord if you plan on being a civilian instead of an adventurer.

Civilian not for you? Check out the Adventurer's Path...

Already a Civilian but ready to become an adventurer?

Want to make another character?