Banned Items

Items below are banned from use in the RPDND server. Players who acquire these items or have found these items on the server should report it to a DM to have it exchanged out for Full Worth Magic Notes for that item rarity. Some items are removed due to power, usage, and limitations within our campaign making them unusable. This list is subject to change as new D&D content is released or new books are added to our approved sources.

Note RPDND does not go above Very Rare for items at this time. Meaning Legendary & Artifacts (etc) are not handed out or allowed.

Note Two: Since this was just added items may be added so please keep this as a reference guide. Last Updated: 8/25/2024

Item Tweaks

Alchemy Jug - acid only lasts 24 hours

Bag of Beans - individual beans like the bead magic items

Night Caller - require attunement 

Mizzium Apparatus - bump up to very rare

Staff of the woodlands - bump to very rare

Item Bans




Very Rare